Are Good Schools Enough Or Does Your Child Need Individual

Does Your Child Need Individual

Does Your Child Need Individual. Good schools provide a wide range of benefits for children and the question of does not arise at all as long as the child is doing well in school. However, in recent times it has become a fad for many parents to send their children to tuitions after their school day is over. Parents have to ask themselves several questions before opting to send their children for tuition and this article will highlight some of the important aspects that need to be considered.

Does Your Child Need Tuition?

‘Should I send my child to tuition?’ –  is a question that many parents ask themselves throughout the education process of their child. A good schooling systems provide a comprehensive study atmosphere and most children will be able to perform well in school without any extra tuitions. Since good schools use innovative and interesting methods of teaching, children will be able to understand and grasp the concepts easily. Even difficult subjects such as mathematics and science are taught using unorthodox techniques.

Ultimately, it depends on the child and the level of effort that he or she is willing to put into his/her studies. Sending the children to tuition just for the sake of it can lead to several problems and this should be avoided at all costs. Moreover, one need not send children to tuition simply because their neighbour’s children are attending extra classes.

How Is The Quality Of Education?

The need for tuitions arises when the quality of education that is imparted in the school is low. In such a case children need extra classes to perk up their knowledge. However, if schools provide good quality education, it might not be necessary to send children for tuitions. Each school and each teacher is different and parents must consider all this before sending their children for tuitions. Most good schools use customized techniques of education and in most cases this itself is satisfactory for children to learn in a proper manner.

Is Your Child A Slow Learner?

Parents must identify if their child is a slow learner and this will become apparent during the first few years of education itself. Many parents find it difficult to accept this fact, but some children are slow learners by nature and they need extra time to grasp things, especially difficult subjects. In such a case parents can consider sending their children for extra tuitions to add on to the methods used by the teachers. Parents can approach the teachers in the school and ask them to provide some special attention to the children. It is important to be patient and understanding with these children.

On the whole good schools provides all the tools that children need to study well and parents need not worry too much about tuitions. But considering that each child is individual, it is not possible to provide a general answer.

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